The Fuchinobe nursery school is organized to benefit both parent and child. In this nursery school setting your child learns how to get along with others,express himself creatively, cope with his own feelings and participate in physical fun and activities with others. Play is the work of children and from play they learn and grow! Through play, children develop physically, emotionally, mentally, and socially. This experience enables the child to discover himself in relation to the outside world. Observing children helps parents to better understand the nature and needs of their children. They become reassured as parents and are better able to contribute to home guidance. By observing their own children, parents notice their likeness to other children as well as their own unique needs, abilities and responses .

Nursery school children primarily are sensory learners. Experiences that stimulate young children's senses provide a memorable impact. Also, young children's play is their work. It's important to remember these things when seeing your child "play" at school. We recognize children as individuals with unique personalities and abilities. The combination of quality care and loving attention in our prepared environment encourages the natural rhythm of creativity and development. A variety of activities we offer give children exciting opportunities for exploration, stimulating their curiosity and motivating them to experiment and learn.

Our nursery school goals include
Meeting the developmental needs of children in physical, emotional, social, cognitive and creative growth as an interrelated and continuous process.
Offering a developmental, play-oriented program with a wide variety of indoor and outdoor activities, such as art experiences, dramatic play, stories, and music.


Parents are encouraged to request meetings whenever they feel it necessary.
Any information that needs to be communicated between the parents and the Nusery Care worker can be done through the communication notebook.Special notices will be handed out to the child to be given to parents. Please read and sign the notice and have your child bring it back to school the next day.
Fuchinobe Nusery School will report all accidents occurring on the school grounds to the parent. The staff will administer first aid as deemed appropriate.


Regular Class(Below is our daily schedule. For certain activities, the children will be separated into five groups.)

Arrival, Greeting.
Optional play.
Snack time.
Outdoors.(go to the Park)
Play Room.(for annex)
Reading, Music.
Resting(young children). Playhouse.(older children).
Afternoon snack time
Optional Play.
Optional play.(house)
Get ready to go home.
(Our Nursery care program places more emphasis on art, crafts, and outdoor activities, rather than structured academic activities. )


It has all along stayed abreast with the times, being the first nursery school in Japan to provide care to children under the age of 0, nursery care for extended hours. temporary care and counseling service.

1 Standard Nursery Care Service
2 Holiday Nursery Care Service
3 Handicapped Children Nursery Care Service
4 The Elementary School Children Nursery Care Service
5 Temporary Nursery Care Service
7 Community Child Care Support Center Service
8 Counseling Service